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Running time: 6:30 min. Description: An old recording taken in a garage in 2009. It was the first time for Helga to start an old car without success. You can see her joy in it. She keeps smiling into the camera while the starter of the '90 Fiat Panda soun…
Running time: 6:30 min.
An old recording taken in a garage in 2009. It was the first time for Helga to start an old car without success. You can see her joy in it. She keeps smiling into the camera while the starter of the '90 Fiat Panda sounds. You can always hear the gentle misfires of the starter. Has someone tampered with the ignition? Helga has no idea. She believes that such a car has typical starting difficulties. Her right boot from “Buffalo” moves up and down pumping on the accelerator pedal. A view from the passenger side and outside through the windshield can be seen in this clip. In both views you can see how Helga completely drains the battery.
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