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Running time: 11:59 min. Description:This is an alternative to the previously released clip "Almost, but then still flooded" (driver side and inside view). Especially interesting for fans of the exhaust view, as this view has a total length of 8:08 minute…
Running time: 11:59 min.
This is an alternative to the previously released clip "Almost, but then still flooded" (driver side and inside view). Especially interesting for fans of the exhaust view, as this view has a total length of 8:08 minutes. Incidentally, exactly 5 minutes at a time (from minute 2:35 to 7:35). The reeving is also included for a while. Three angles of the exhaust pipe can be seen. The pedal pumping view can be seen from the passenger seat.
For exhaust pipe lovers a must - have - clip!
There is an alternative clip of this ( driver side- and inside view )
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