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Running time: 22:25 min. Description: Only with the 8th attempt to start does the engine of the '90 Seat - Marbella start. There were attempts to start, where the engine only almost started but then stalled. But now the carburetor has probably blown itsel…
Running time: 22:25 min.
Only with the 8th attempt to start does the engine of the '90 Seat - Marbella start. There were attempts to start, where the engine only almost started but then stalled. But now the carburetor has probably blown itself free. Adriana is driving around on the remote site. An old car like this always needs a little exercise. It's a pretty cool fall day. She put on warm over knee boots made of suede and the long PVC coat that she and other actresses wore in other clips before. This clip shows the view from the back seat. Also a pedal view.
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