"That will probably take longer today?"

Running time: 11:13 min. The '89 Ford Fiesta hasn't started for a long time. It's still damp and cool this morning. Not good conditions for being able to drive off at some point. Melissa seems to want to take a lot of time. Not only does she roll a cigaret…

Running time: 11:13 min.

The '89 Ford Fiesta hasn't started for a long time. It's still damp and cool this morning. Not good conditions for being able to drive off at some point. Melissa seems to want to take a lot of time. Not only does she roll a cigarette at the beginning of the clip, but she also has a cup of tea with her. No more fuel came through the pipes for a long time. So Melissa pumps the accelerator pedal quickly and powerfully during starting attempts.

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