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Running time: 12:23 min. Description:Regular recordings are not possible as often due to the current weather. Pamela had recently agreed to start the '90 Seat - Marbella. Because of the long standing, in very cool and humid weather, the battery will probab…
Running time: 12:23 min.
Regular recordings are not possible as often due to the current weather. Pamela had recently agreed to start the '90 Seat - Marbella. Because of the long standing, in very cool and humid weather, the battery will probably no longer be powerful enough, or will it? Pamela knows that she may not have tried enough to start before the battery runs out. This is why it is at the beginning of the first attempts to start pumping the accelerator, because enough gasoline has to get to the carburetor. But not that Pamela let flood the engine because of it? The start attempts can be seen from three different views: driver side, exhaust and pedal. And in all these views you will see how Pamela drains the battery. For fans who love to hear the starter sound weaker and weaker, this is a really nice clip.
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