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Running time: 14:41 min. Description: You don't just buy a car without taking a test drive first. So Adriana is also cautious and takes a test drive on the property where the old '90 Seat Marbella is parked. From two angles you can see her getting in. The …
Running time: 14:41 min.
You don't just buy a car without taking a test drive first. So Adriana is also cautious and takes a test drive on the property where the old '90 Seat Marbella is parked. From two angles you can see her getting in. The engine starts immediately, even though it is an autumn day. From the back view you can see Adriana driving off carefully. Her black and white rubber boots treat the pedals very carefully. This is clearly visible in the following pedal view. From the following exterior shots you can see the car being slowly driven across the property. The preview briefly shows the views that occur. At the end of the clip, getting out is shown from two angles. What do you think? Will Adriana buy this old car now? Do you have the impression that she was satisfied?
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