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Running time: 19:15 min. Description:Since Pamela had mostly opted for shades of green as her outfit in this clip, the '82 VW Polo and the background backdrop are also kept in green, I thought this title "everything in the green" was appropriate. This day…
Running time: 19:15 min.
Since Pamela had mostly opted for shades of green as her outfit in this clip, the '82 VW Polo and the background backdrop are also kept in green, I thought this title "everything in the green" was appropriate. This day was very cool and so she had put on thick socks with the green suede ankle boots that have wedge heels. For a while, Pamela starts the now 40-year-old car in vain. She drains the battery. After connecting a charged battery, it keeps trying. And their patience is rewarded with the fact that the engine soon starts. Hesitantly at first, but then she even succeeds in a revving that lasts a few minutes and can be experienced from different angles. But then the engine stalls. Unfortunately, Pamela is no longer able to restart. Has the engine flooded? Or is the gas running out right now?
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