"I still have to paint my toenails" ( pedal-, face- and backview )

Running time: 14:24 min. Description:Here in this third alternative view of the "I still have to paint my toenails" series, it is NOT possible to see how Marina paints her toenails, but there is an 8:20 minute continuous view of the pedal view in which sh…

Running time: 14:24 min.


Here in this third alternative view of the "I still have to paint my toenails" series, it is NOT possible to see how Marina paints her toenails, but there is an 8:20 minute continuous view of the pedal view in which she is always treated the gas pedal barefoot again. Of course, the battery of this '89 Ford Fiesta is drained again by Marina. Not in the pedal view, but also in the face view, as seen from the dashboard. This clip starts with a view from the back seat, over Marina's right shoulder (approx. 2:48 minutes). Towards the end you can see the face view that shows Marina's smile (3:07 minutes).
Yes, she really loves starting old cars in vain!
I wish you a great weekend.

Here you can find the other two clips, with different views:



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"I still have to paint my toenails" ( pedal-, face- and backview )


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