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Running time: 30:24 min. Description: Even the smile that Laura gives you every now and then into the camera shows how shy she is. And the old pink dress also confirms her virginal way of starting the engine of the old '82 VW Polo again and again. While tr…
Running time: 30:24 min.
Even the smile that Laura gives you every now and then into the camera shows how shy she is. And the old pink dress also confirms her virginal way of starting the engine of the old '82 VW Polo again and again. While trying to start, Laura can already hear the engine twitching, as if it wanted to start at any moment. Due to her inexperience, she causes the starter to whir during a few attempts to start the car.
With her red leather ballerinas, Laura treats the pedal sensitively. Or is it the fear of breaking something? After a while, after several unsuccessful attempts to start, she manages to get the engine running. But Laura quickly realizes that she has to constantly treat the small, cute accelerator pedal with her right ballerina, otherwise the engine stalls. And yet the engine still chokes every now and then and lets Laura down. Although there are only three views in this clip (driver side, passenger side and pedal view), it is wonderful to watch Laura have her first experience with such an old car.
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