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Running time: 26:54 min. Description: Marita, a young mother who has to pick up her daughter from nursery school every day, shows some particularly gentle pedal pumping. This clip shows her in three different pairs of boots. Every day she faces many, futil…
Running time: 26:54 min.
Marita, a young mother who has to pick up her daughter from nursery school every day, shows some particularly gentle pedal pumping. This clip shows her in three different pairs of boots. Every day she faces many, futile attempts to start the car. But she knows that she has to be very gentle on the long accelerator pedal because the engine of her old '71 Audi 60 floods so quickly. But her handling of the accelerator pedal matches the beautiful sound of the starter. Every now and then Marita manages to get the engine started. She looks shyly, or rather relieved, into the camera before the engine stalls again. All of the views that appear in the clip can of course be seen in the preview. It is another recording that was made almost 20 years ago with an old camera. At the end of the clip, Marita drains the battery completely - getting the very last drop out of it. A wonderful starter motor dying!
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