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Running time: 20:43 min. Description:As of the beginning of this clip, Ophelia has been trying to start the old '90 Seat Marbella in her rosé colored sneakers for a while. She now decides to switch to black sandals. First she leaves her sweaty socks on for…
Running time: 20:43 min.
As of the beginning of this clip, Ophelia has been trying to start the old '90 Seat Marbella in her rosé colored sneakers for a while. She now decides to switch to black sandals. First she leaves her sweaty socks on for a short while, which were previously stuck in the sneakers with her feet. Even that seems to be too warm for her. This is how Ophelia takes off the socks. It must be a really pleasant feeling for your feet to be barefoot in your sandals. To make the gas pedal pumping even more beautiful, Ophelia also paints the gas pedal with lipstick, like some actresses before. This clip shows all scenes, which can also be seen briefly in the preview, in balanced lengths. Of course also how she drains the battery.
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