"Ready for business?"

Running time: 22:36 min. Description:  For the upcoming business meeting, Adriana is ready. Whether the old '90 Seat - Marbella is that too? Once again Adriana has to be patient to start the engine. And it's not even sure if it will start. From various…

Running time: 22:36 min.


For the upcoming business meeting, Adriana is ready. Whether the old '90 Seat - Marbella is that too? Once again Adriana has to be patient to start the engine. And it's not even sure if it will start. From various perspectives, it can be observed during the unsuccessful attempts to start. The drain of the battery is highlighted in this clip. You can tell Adriana loves hearing the last sluggish sounds of the starter motor. Will she still make it to the business meeting?

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"Ready for business?"


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