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Running time: 18:26 minuntes Does Irina just have a hunch that the engine of the old '82 VW Polo won't start today, or does she know because she might have tampered with the engine beforehand? She loves and enjoys the futile starting of old cars. In her l…
Running time: 18:26 minuntes
Does Irina just have a hunch that the engine of the old '82 VW Polo won't start today, or does she know because she might have tampered with the engine beforehand? She loves and enjoys the futile starting of old cars. In her long PVC coat and knee-high lace-up boots, she starts the engine and smokes a cigarette. Irina looks at you again and again. From the driver's side and as seen through the windshield. The last third of the clip shows the pedal view. In all three views, you experience how the battery gets weaker and weaker. Even when the battery no longer makes a sound, Irina lets the starter motor crack a few more times.
How wonderful she had drained the battery...!
After she gets out of the car, Irina leans against the car for a moment and pulls up one leg.
She must really enjoy it!?
By the way:
Since Irina had made such clips several times before and had liked to paint the accelerator pedal with lipstick so that her right shoe or boot feels pleasantly slippery on it, the accelerator pedal is still coated with the lipstick color.
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