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Running time: 21:23min. Description: Where does Regina want to go on this frosty morning? And that too in her high-heeled platform boots? Today she has to take the old '92 VW Polo because her own car is in the workshop. The first unsuccessful attempts to s…
Running time: 21:23min.
Where does Regina want to go on this frosty morning? And that too in her high-heeled platform boots? Today she has to take the old '92 VW Polo because her own car is in the workshop. The first unsuccessful attempts to start sound particularly nice. Typical on a frosty morning. But the engine begs so plaintively to start, but it can't. From the passengers floor you can see Regina's face as she looks at the dashboard coolly, but still smiling. As the clip progresses, Regina managed to position her right platform boot correctly on the accelerator. This can be seen again from passengers floor view and also from driver side floor view.
Of course, all the views that already appear in the preview can be seen in the clip in sufficient length. Only the initial exhaust scene is only about a minute long. Regina keeps trying to start the engine until the battery is completely empty. She keeps the ignition key turned until the very last note stops. Wait a moment and apparently silently enjoy these beautiful, painfully soft tones of the starter. This scenario can be seen from the outside with a view of the frozen windshield, as well as from the driver's side, from the passenger floor with a view of her face and the pedal view, with a view from the driver's floor (a nice close-up) A fantastically beautiful clip, in which you can hear the engine always almost starting and towards the end a passionate draining of the battery.
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