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Running time: 24:39 min. Description:With so much experience with old cars with significant starting difficulties, it is a real joy for Adriana, my dear mother, to start the old '82 VW Polo on this cold morning. The battery is very weak, also due to the lo…
Running time: 24:39 min.
With so much experience with old cars with significant starting difficulties, it is a real joy for Adriana, my dear mother, to start the old '82 VW Polo on this cold morning. The battery is very weak, also due to the long idle time. She loves hearing the gentle sounds of the starter before the battery is completely empty. Luckily, Adriana has a charged battery in the trunk, which she takes out. Together with the jumper cable, it moves forward to the bonnet and connects the ends of the jumper cable to the terminals of the two car batteries. Completely in her element, she now starts the engine. With good persuasion and sensitive treatment of the small, cute accelerator pedal. She's wearing her black riding boots, which she's had for a long time and wears as often as she can. She likes the shimmering shine of the very used leather, which already has slight cracks in it. The engine seems to want to start after several attempts to start it. Adriana manages a very short, almost weak revving. But the engine stalls several times, despite pressing the accelerator pedal. The views that will be shown in the full clip can already be seen in the preview.
But admit it! Doesn't my mommy look great?
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