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Running time: 12:23 min. Description: It is wet and cold this morning - once again. Surprisingly, the engine of the '92 VW Polo starts after two attempts to start it, which sound very tired. Melissa drives a little way on the muddy ground. Why then does sh…
Running time: 12:23 min.
It is wet and cold this morning - once again. Surprisingly, the engine of the '92 VW Polo starts after two attempts to start it, which sound very tired. Melissa drives a little way on the muddy ground. Why then does she get out, move to the back of the car and stick the tip of her right cowgirl boot in the exhaust? Does she intend to let the engine stall like that? Of course that won't work. This can be seen from four different angles. Otherwise, all the views that appear in the clip can be seen in the preview. For example, how Melissa is driving. From an outside camera, a pedal view and a view where the camera is attached to the headrest of the passenger seat. Since the weather is so unpleasant this morning, Melissa not only puts on black leather gloves, but also positions a hot water bottle under her long leather coat, between her legs.
I wish you all a happy new year.
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