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Running time: 14:26 min. Description: Here is the long-awaited second part of the title "Leather Lady in '90 Seat - Marbella". Here is the link to the previous part in case you don't already know it: Here Laura keeps starting the '90 Seat - Marbella…
Running time: 14:26 min.
Here is the long-awaited second part of the title "Leather Lady in '90 Seat - Marbella". Here is the link to the previous part in case you don't already know it:
Here Laura keeps starting the '90 Seat - Marbella standing from the outside and hoping that the engine will stop without having to press the gas pedal. Again and again the engine stalls, but after chugging for a while. At the end of this recording, Laura revealed to me that she loves it when the engine chugs less and less and then stalls. The included views of the clip are each briefly displayed in the preview. Maybe you enjoy it as Laura does.
Here is the link to the first part:
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