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Running time: 21:50min. Even though Angela should have noticed, after trying unsuccessfully to start the blue '72 Audi 60 for a while, that there is no petrol left in the tank, she keeps trying. At first seriously, as if she really wants to drive off, but …
Running time: 21:50min.
Even though Angela should have noticed, after trying unsuccessfully to start the blue '72 Audi 60 for a while, that there is no petrol left in the tank, she keeps trying. At first seriously, as if she really wants to drive off, but over time she gives up hope and instead enjoys the beautiful sound of the starter. She even finds the long accelerator pedal so nice that over the course of the clip she describes how pleasant it is to pump despite the high heels, because the heel can be comfortably placed at the bottom, which is not the case with accelerator pedals that hang down from above. At the beginning Angela is still wearing her old, black leather ankle boots. After three and a half minutes of the 21:50 minute long clip, however, she is only wearing her high-heeled, cream-white leather ankle boots. Shots from the driver's side, pedal view, and towards the end - back view - can be seen. Because just how Angela completely drains the battery can be seen from the perspective of the back seat.Despite the gloves she is wearing, she decides, for fun, to wedge one of the ankle boots she saw at the beginning of the clip between the steering wheel and the dashboard. This is what the starter sounds like non-stop, without interruption, from minute 14:36 to minute 20:20! An incredibly long start attempt that Angela enjoys so much. The camera pans from the back view to her right ankle boot on the accelerator pedal, which she is constantly pumping. She keeps smiling at you into the camera. After the battery is completely empty, it starts twice more, each time after the battery has recovered, until it is completely empty again. An absolute dream clip, which was recorded with an old camera because this clip was made in 2002, but is really worth watching.
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