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Running time: 23:11 min. Description: The old '89 Ford Fiesta has been standing near a bush, under trees, for so long. He looks weathered. Above all, moisture constantly penetrated into the engine compartment. But today Emilia is trying to start the engine…
Running time: 23:11 min.
The old '89 Ford Fiesta has been standing near a bush, under trees, for so long. He looks weathered. Above all, moisture constantly penetrated into the engine compartment. But today Emilia is trying to start the engine. She does it with joy and calmness because she doesn't care whether she will be successful. Of course she makes an effort, but she also enjoys listening to the beautiful sound of the starter. After a while, Emilia sucks on a lolly that she unwraps with her teeth. This can be seen in a clear view from the dashboard. She looks around playfully with her pretty, brown big eyes. She is cheeky and silly. This is particularly evident at the end of the clip when she gets out, gives you her middle finger and laughs like a little girl. Can you resist her innocent, playful laugh? As always, all scenes that appear in the clip can be seen briefly in the preview.
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