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Running time: 15:21 min. Description:The '89 Ford Fiesta has been standing motionless in the parking lot for a long time. Attempts to start sound powerless because the battery is weak after such a long period of inactivity. Adriana hopes that the engine wi…
Running time: 15:21 min.
The '89 Ford Fiesta has been standing motionless in the parking lot for a long time. Attempts to start sound powerless because the battery is weak after such a long period of inactivity. Adriana hopes that the engine will start anyway. She enjoys that nice soft sound of the starter. Especially how the droning gets slower and slower because the battery is now gradually losing its last power. Again and again she turns the ignition key only to hear a few faint sounds from the engine compartment. The starter only cracks. Adriana is now developing a taste for liking this sound. Again and again, at very short intervals, she turns the ignition key. She hadn't yet come up with the idea of ??starting the engine in vain. From three views, which you can see in the preview, you can see Adriana playing with the starter with joy.
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