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Running time: 16:29 min. Description: Only Pamela was able to start the '90 Seat - Marbella in this young year. A few weeks ago, Regina failed in the trilogy "Tall student has a lot of patience". After several attempts to start, the engine starts. Using th…
Running time: 16:29 min.
Only Pamela was able to start the '90 Seat - Marbella in this young year. A few weeks ago, Regina failed in the trilogy "Tall student has a lot of patience". After several attempts to start, the engine starts. Using the choke was probably necessary. You can hear the V-belt squeaking. The engine had not been started over the winter. A lot of moisture got in. The squeaking stops as it warms up. Pamela did not drive that day so as not to overtax the engine. Among other things, a 2:20 minute long exhaust view - without interruption - can be seen. All other scenes can also be seen in sufficient length. Below that is the pedal view, which can be seen for a total of almost 6 minutes and is divided into three scenes. The same applies to the other views. At the end of the clip, Pamela gets out and goes to the trunk. She closes the flap and goes ahead. She disconnects the car battery cables and closes the hood.
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