Running time: 9:59 min.
Irina shows how she mistreats the transmission of the ´98 Ford Fiesta, because she leaves one of the four gears engaged while starting, but doesn't keep the clutch pedal depressed. She tries all four gears.
She bounces in the driver's seat with varying intensity, depending on which gear she has in at the time.
Of course, she also smokes a cigarette in between.
Also how Irina drives backwards to bring the '98 Ford Fiesta into starting position is shown a few times.
In one scene you can watch her spitting at the windshield, again while she's bouncing in the seat, of course.
( This can be seen more clearly in the forthcoming clip, wich will show, among other things, the front view and the windshield view )
She drains the battery while trying to start - the little car bounces more and more powerless...
A beautiful unusual clip.
Enjoy together with Irina to mistreat this car.
But you'd rather be there, wouldn't you?
Description ( alternative ):
Back in the summer of 2021, Irina wanted to try out what it's like to start the engine while a gear is engaged. For this she had used the '98 Ford Fiesta, which is no longer available - gearbox damage! Because of her? This 9:59 minute clip only shows the passenger side as a view. Irina always shifts into a different gear when attempting to start. The lower the gear, the more intense her hopping in the seat. "It's like riding a horse," she thinks. Sometimes she chews a bubble gum, sometimes she smokes a cigarette, otherwise she shows great joy at this mistreatment of the small car. Finally, Irina drains the battery completely while the little '98 Ford Fiesta is hobbling with the last of its strength. She spits at the windshield from the inside. Should it be a contemptuous act towards the small car before it goes to the junkyard?
This clip is a really unusual one!
Do you want to be there to torment the car?