Running time: 12:03 min.
A clip made in 2006. Carina in her '71 VW Bug, which she really loved. The engine was always hard to start, but that didn't bother her. Or maybe that's why she loved this old car? Here Carina shows how she starts the engine. It takes a few attempts, but then the engine chugs along at idle, like a typical VW Bug engine. In the meantime, she turns the engine off to get out and look behind her into the engine compartment. Is the engine running too rough for her? As if by magic, the engine then starts again with considerable difficulty. When she wants to drive off, Carin obviously lets the clutch pedal out too quickly. She hops forwards abruptly and laughs embarrassedly. Although this clip was made very amateurishly, just watching Carina in her two pairs of cowgirl boots and the beautiful sound of the old VW Bug is worth watching.