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"Oh, what a noise of the starter!"

Running time: 14:02 minutes

The cranking sound of an old '71 Audi 60 is really wonderful to listen to. Dagmar has so much fun starting the engine in vain. The brown cowboy boots are always very popular with the actresses because they are so pleasant for pedal pumping. Also on this long gas pedal. It is a recording from 2005. All views in this clip can be seen in the preview. Dagmar really empathized when the battery got weaker and weaker. Sometimes she presses her left boot against the dashboard to the left of the steering wheel. And it shows how pleasantly relaxed it is when the engine does not want to start by lying down over both front seats while trying to start. There is no pedal view in this clip! But it's still nice to see Dagmar enjoying the '71 Audi 60. You will also see how it hurts to keep the ignition key turned for a long time. Now she has no gloves with her. So she got the idea to use a handkerchief. In the long run, however, that is not fat enough. And so Dagmar accepts the pain because she just doesn't want to miss out on the fun.


Oh waht a noise of the starter full clip and PREVIEW and pics  15:03 | ccc-crazycarcranking

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