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"Ophelia is successful"

Running time: 27:55 min.

This clip here shows that Ophelia managed to start the engine. Her discomfort shows that she first drives back and forth on the site. She doesn't trust the old car. Not that the engine stalls out on the way. In the end, however, she prefers not to drive longer distances. But there are nice pedal views from two different angles (9:19 min.), A view from the driver's side and the passenger side (6:31 min.), A view from the passenger seat where you also have your legs and hands on the steering wheel can see (9:12 min.) and an outside shot with the camera accompanying (2:53 min.) I hope you enjoy this driving clip!


Ophelia is successful full clipmit PREVIEW und pics  28:55 | ccc-crazycarcranking

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